will you part the sil front end or are you keeping it together? either way where you located
depends what you want from the front end, and hah sorry im located in between guelph and hamilton
bumper, quarters and corner lights
ill let you know if i dont get any offers on the full front end.
Pics of the suede door pannels?
and for the door pannels i can get pictures tomorrow if thats ok
Kevin wouldnt sell me this car because he was like uhhhhhhh, your going to part it out.
and now look LOL
Dude. I wanted to buy this car complete and drive it!
Vultures!! boooo!
If you were going to drive this car on the street, you are an idiot.
Good winter beater, disgusting summer car.
Will sell complete for $3000 + $2000 “I am willing to drive a car with a frame made of expanding foam” tax.
pm me location,. i want the seat and rims 
is ther any rust/dents on driver side door ?
is that a boost gauge in there? if so willing to sell and any pics ?
lol sorry dude, I didn’t sell this car directly to him, I sold it to someone who traded to him and well now it’s out of my hands.
Martino just told me about this today…
what kind of shape is the entire front end in? i’m interested in taking the whole thing if condition is good
where you locted? i like side skirts pm me awesome
Dude. Kevin’s original FS thread did not indicate that the chassis was in that bad of a shape. i’m going by what he wrote.
This instant name calling shit on this board is ridiculous.