FS. 93 Honda Civic EG Hatch w/swap



ill buy the window sticker and all that cool stuff

really makes me regret my purchase.


http://www.honda-tech.com/zerothread?id=2110758 is this the same car and how did you fix the rust? also do you ahve any reciepts for the engine? is it a perfessional paint job or some garage paint job?

Yes that is the same car, the rust was all cut out and replaced with new metal. I bought the car to fix and sell. The guy I bought it off of is a friend of a friend. He told me what he had done to it and who did it. I then called the guy who did the work to verify. As far as the paint goes I painted it a little over 2 months ago if there were going to be any major patch blow outs they would have happened by now. It was even sitting outside for some time.

As you can see the car came along way,

Any trades?

i already went and looked at this car and jeff did a very clean job with the 1/4’s and im a bodyman so take that into consideration. The rest of the car is nice for the year as well…good buy!

Thanks sold

this car was in altoona tonight i talked to the guy.anyway i gave a warm welcome by givin him a spankin in the red car i had on here for sale ,you know the one that i wanted to much for 4200.00.and he paid 3500 for the oil leakin thing that runs like poop.yea thats a good deal!

wow… two 15 sec. cars… bet that was cool.

thats my point .you smart ass guys all you got is 15 second cars!thats why you get on someones post and be a dick so you feel better about yourself and in your head you are fast.because in person everyone will see your slow ass junk and you aint shit.