Scooter # 1 is an 80’s yamaha Jog. it ran last summer, needs a muffler, and a going through. rear tire is new, but it’s flat. no title, bill of sale (easyish to register as its considered a moped in the eyes of NYS)
scooter # 2 is a Bajaj-Made in India (very well made actually, the Indian scooters are meant to be driven with really poor gas, and really poor roads.)
it’s new- has 17 orig miles, but the stator/flywheel and other stuff has been taken off and needs to be re-installed (I thing I have everything)
Comes with a certificate of origin. (what dealers give to the DMV to obtain a title for the first time)
prices are pretty firm.
Might trade for some 17" tires to fit an A4 golf.