FS: Apex'i Power FC+commander pro for S15

got them from japan. the main unit is 95% new. but the commander Pro is brand new. u can connect it to laptop. and it has 3D map, 90mins data record, data log, and loz of new functions. it is sold in Japan only, u can not get it from anywhere out of Japan. u guys can search it on internet. and u would know how amazing it is.

loz of ppl know me on this forum. and they know that i am in china with my car and what i am doing here.

but now, i changed the plan fo my car. so that i am selling the power FC to u guys in canada and hope that someone could taste the fresh stuff from japan.

it cost me 1300CND$. and i am asking 1150CND for it with shipping.

u can reach me by msn @ super_zhq@hotmail.com or pm me

u guys take care.
best regards.

S15 version of sr only?

Would you sell th “Pro” box seperately?

sorry bro…i wont sell em sepereately…

i am not sure about that…but i ll double check the ECU point-out of both S14/15

i am not sure about that…but i ll double check the ECU point-out of both S14/15[/quote]

You can only use this on an S15 motor due to diffrences between the 2 motors.