FS- Apexi SAFC

This is the first version with the five modes of adjustability. Comes with the harness and a manual if I can find it.
$110 obo.

Looks like this:

Online manual

This may be a dumb question but what is an SAFC?

Super AirFlow Converter.

You can adjust fuel/air mixtures with it to increase power.

does it have more or less the same ability of SAFC2?

Less. It only has five RPM ranges tovary the AFR in. The next newer model has eight.

Ummmm, isn’t it “Super Air Fuel Controller”? It isn’t really converting anything, it’s controlling it :wink:

It is controlling the air/fuel but Apexi did call it a converter. :?

Anyway, there is a deal pending and its pretty much sold.