Sorry to clog up the thread, but i tried to read it up, to no avail. What is the big difference between the S-AFC I and II ? Also, ill take a random guess and say those are for the SR?
Matt i will do my best to shed some light onto this area.
Both safc’s main purpose is its capability of scaling the afm signal, or maf signals.
This allows you to adjust your vehicles a/f ratio through your rpm.
When you vehicle goes WOT, then you have full control of adjusting the a/f ratio.
Now, the safc 1 has 10 tuning points meaning that you can tune at 10 points through your rpm for example: 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 , etc.
The safc 2 has 12 tuning points, and it also has the ability to store 2 different fuel maps which is helpful if you are running different boost levels etc.
These units are not specific and will work in a lot of cars.
I’ve seen quite a few in sr’s and ka’s