the other day i bought a 4ch amp and put it in. i used regular audio cables instead of twisted and shielded so i was gettin major interferance. instead of going out and buying the stuff i need to fix the problem i decided F*** it. so all my stuff is for sale. a 2ch california profile ap2000. its 300 rms x 2 @ 4 ohm. i was only runnin one sub on it. i paid 220, but its used and i cracked 1 or 2 of the set screws. still works perfect. id take 180 for it. also for sale is that lightning audio amp. its a b400x4. i paid 45 bucks for it from a guy. ive only had it for 2 days. i threw away the box and everything when i bought it cuz i didnt think i was gunna sell it so fast. but ill take 35 for it. also are my audiobahn’s. they are the aw1206ts. Dual Voice Coil - 4 Ohms - RMS Power: 1100 Watts - Aluminum Cone - Peak Power: 2200 Watts (copy/paste). ones without a doubt blown. the other one works fine. like i said above i only ran one. i think they go for 129 new. i paid about 130 each last year. so give me 80 bucks and u can have both and see if u can fix the busted one. i also have a couple boxes i wanna get ride of. 2 are vented and i forget what frequency i tuned them for. the other one is a 3.5 cubic foot sealed box. all are mdf made by me. lets say 10 for the sealed 15 for the vented and 20 for the nicer one… pm me if intrested


Yo, I’ll take the good Audiobahn sub, PM me. Don’t want the busted one.