I only have 1 8830 left. $200.

As title states, 2 VZW 8830’s for sale, one 8703e for sale.

All brand new in box.

The 8703e was the last BB made like a tank, very durable.

Asking $100 for the 8703e. VZW WANTS $149.99 WITH A 2 YEAR CONTRACT

This is all no contract, just buy and activate.

If you are existing VZW, just esn swap and add the BB plan (if you dont have it).

If you would be a new customer, this would allow you to activate with no contract.



Good prices :tup:

how much are bb contracts?

Cmon more people should be using these kinds of phones. If nobody buys them ebay.

You don’t need to have the internet plans for this, my girlfriend uses a blackberry on verizon without the internet plan.

These prices are fucking nutz. I’d been wishing I hadn’t ordered a voyager all day since i saw this, till the mail man dropped the thing off.


verizon charges 30 a month for the data plan for these

yeah, idk how someone gets away without having to pay for the data plan on the BB, otherwise i would get one

thanks, but, no she doesnt. trust me. BB’s on VZW need BB service. the billing system wont allow the phone to activate without it on there, and it does not allow it to come off as well.

Consumer level = $30

Corporate level = $45

I want these gone, hence the ridiculous pricing. I dont want to deal with ebay, they rape you in fees and force you to use paypal, which again rapes you.

Someone grab these. Buy all 3 and we’ll make a deal :slight_smile:

up for night crew :skunk:

I really wish verizon would start putting wifi in there phones…i can’t believe the bb storm isn’t gonna have it. Do smart phones have to have the data plan? Don’t know much…sorry

why would anyone buy a blackberry and then not get a dataplan?

they are about to…

Nothing but BB matters anyway…

too many people just want to look like they are important.

Interested but… When I go to swap my old number to this phone it won’t transfer over unless I buy the data plan? And if I buy the data plan don’t I have tobuy a blackberry first, then get the data plan. but form my understanding of above you cannot transfer the number over unless you have a data plan so it’s a vicious circle it seems. If this could work out I may be very very interested in the 8703e

Holy shit, those are some good ass prices…

holy shit the 8830’s selling for the exact price of a BB storm with contract what a shocker :slight_smile:

good phonezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz good luck with sale.


* $219.99 on a 2 year contract
* $289.99 on a 1 year contract

* $519.99 off contract <—ouch.

i’m not convinced those are real prices yet.

you can add the data plan at the same time as you activate the phone.

I’m sick of holding onto these, someone buy buy buy!

can i make this work with my t mobile contract?