FS: Bills vs Browns - Monday Night

Posting for a coworker.

2 tickets at the Bills 20 yard line, 19 rows up, on the Bills side. $200 each.

I also have 2 in the 300’s (Can’t remember which section). $100 each.


if you can do $175 for the pair in the 300’s ill take em

What happened to J_Espos LOL post?

Friggen bandwagoners driving up the cost of tickets…

These are season tickets.

Prices are firm. These are priced well below what you would pay any place else.

Sorry, prices are firm. They are priced well below what you would pay any place else.

The street outside the stadium is typically a good place. I was able to get 6 tickets together for 75% of face value out there.

Good luck with sale. If the price comes down i may be interested.

what section for the 300 level?

i got my 300’s for this game for 50 a piece :slight_smile:

normally i would agree with this statement, but the markup on this game is going to be well-justified. i highly doubt you’ll find a ticket on game day at even face value, it’s going to be a primetime game with meaning in Buffalo, that hasn’t happened in YEARS.

GLWS, wish i could swing the money for these