mya parents are remodeling their house and this thing has to go. its really comfy, and i hate to see it go… but big frank wants it out of here. i figured i’d throw it up on here to see if anybody wanted it…
mya parents are remodeling their house and this thing has to go. its really comfy, and i hate to see it go… but big frank wants it out of here. i figured i’d throw it up on here to see if anybody wanted it…
good god no! i love that thing. tell big frank he doesn’t know what he is talking about and it needs to stay there.
p.s. i wanna come over for dinner sometime. i enjoyed the conversation with your parents.
thats so fucking hot. how much?
my dad wants to get $1500 for it… partial trade for a bimmer?
perfect for the ritz.
I have a $20 in my pocket right now. Tell Big Frank thats all its worth…i’ll take it.
jam got s3rv3d!
are those authentic Fernando Botero prints?
and if so
are they for sale as well! :redface:
haha. where exactly would that go?
Uh, in the kitchen?
Its been a while since i’ve choked me a bitch…bring what you got.
no, I just want to know if it’ll fit.
its a little over 6 feet on the open side and on the wall side its a little shorter than 6 feet. i’ll ask big frank for exact measurements tomorrow
i dont think the prints are for sale, but i’ll ask liz tomorrow.
I’d throw em a few bucks for the wine rack. A few more if the wine is included.
i don’t think the wine rack or the wine is for sale.
someone should buy this. it’s baller.