fs car audio

i am selling some car audio that i have around.

Premier DEH-P670mp

this unit was sent back to pioneer for servicing and i got it back and never used it again.
the deal: i was having a problem with CDs being read so i sent it back and they replaced the internals. so the face and case are the original.
The “Cool Blue” OEL Display with 3D motion graphics will totally transform your dash with screensavers, background videos, color, and motion. Playback of MP3s and WMAs is even better with our new Digital SpeedRead2 CD mechanism. And the Premier DEH-P670MP is ready for Satellite Radio (XM or Sirius) and the hot iPod Adapter. Comes with two pairs of Hi-Volt (4V) pre-outs
Price: $120 missing the harness (ebay $7)
pic: (stock)

also have:
8" bazooka tube
Price: $60
also in pics
Bazooka 12" sub b/c you cant edit once someone posts.
it is the ELW1214, 4Ohm Liquid Cooled. in a box with fosgate amp
price: $250
then i have a 8" AUDIOVOX roof mount TV
price: $60

where are you located?

so this has seperate inputs for ipod and sat?

niagara falls

no it as the pioneer signature aux plug you can run one or the other

figured i have the sat set up for pioneer. but i want a head unit i can use xm and an ipod

you can get this and a splitter you should be good to go

did that on my last pioneer i would have to cut power to the xm it was super inconvient

isnt there a power button?

its a non exposed xm kit ran through the the stereo it was wired via a accesory power. i had to run a switch in order to stop the power which was annoying

i am very interested in the flip down monitor, does it work? if it does does every thing come with it

overhead tv pending trade

all for sale again


all for sale


is the headunit still for sale?

