Selling my D2’s as i’ve upgraded to stance coilovers.
The front shocks are slightly bent resulting in abnormal camber. shocks can be replaced or just live with it, they work fine.
Springs are 550 front / 450 rear (10/8 i think it works out to) made by AFCO.
Ran on these this season racing, they actually worked quite well for what they are.
400$ firm, or ill hang them on my wall
you cant even get springs this cheap
dude, can sequence garage sponsor me for coilovers?
no no sponsor me lol
wonder if s14 coils will fit a cefiro…hmm
How much longer are s14 rears than s13’s?
i am taking them, soldomatic…
i collect busted D2’s now…
ya temp sold to bing sorry matty 
great price, i am running d2’s and they work well for the money (kinda noisey)
oh, u guys have a shop that can re-valve my set? pm i suppose, good luck with the sale!!
oh and these guys are rich^^^^^^, SPONSOR MY BROKE ASS!!!
talk to me in the spring, i am having the tools built to redo every damper i have…
sweet! any idea of average price per set? turnaround time?
i will have fresh dampers in stock, you bring yours you take mine