FS: Dual Xeon 2.0 Ghz, 2GB RAM, Server Setup - $350

The following is included:

Tyan Tiger S2722 Motherboard
2 x 1GB Registered ECC DDR Memory
2 x 2.0 Ghz Intel Xeon Processors

The price includes shipping.

I can throw in a well suited PSU for an extra $25.

This is a server class mobo and not suited for a desktop, though you can make it one if you wish.

PM or reply with any questions.

trades ?

I’ll trade for some currency.

Seriously, I don’t need anything… need to pay bills.

wrong account noob

ill let you know. maybe in a week after i get paid… i need another server box to hold some :snky: stuff.


Let me know… some other people seem interested. I’ve got drives too but I’m sure you have your own share of them.

Price lowered to move… $275.