fs. Eibach sportlines & 7" indash dvd mp3 cd thing

Have some eibach sportlines just pulled out of my car, springs are around a year old and struts less then a year, rr strut may need replacing $best offer

Kenwood indash dvd lcd mp3 serius ready all that jibber jabber needs a connector special orderd from kenwood, no one around here deals with kenwood shit so im just selling it $ Best offer

How much for indash if ur willing would like to trade xbox 360 for both items its premium.

haha no, video games are for kids thanks for the offer tho

How much do you want for the indash

its best offer man who ever offers the most by sunday night will get it

so cant i just come get them right now ?

come to the tnc meet tonight they will be in my trunk there and you can buy them… or you can drive out here tomorrow some time

sportlines sold, dvd thing still availible

ill trade you for my pioneer indash

usless trade, i dont want an indash this is why its being sold

y00 i still have this indash thing for sale, still goin for best offer i guess.
Has wires for S13 but missing screen to box wire.

so bump pick it up asap or maybe i’ll deliver

what exactly is missing

The Wire the Connects the Reciver to the Headunit.
Best offer still no one has offerd not even anything