FS: EZ Curl bar for olympic plates

For sale 80$ it’s yours.

Reason for sale, I prefer using an olympic bar and haven’t used the ez bar in quite some time it’s just sitting around.

Just like this one:


Mr. Home gym over here! This is a good bar for those with not so flexible wrists and so on. GLWS

lol ya thanks man, nah just moved and well… I have alot of stuff that i dont need.

The ez curl bar definetely is beter on the wrists until you strengthen them. I developed carpal tunnel syndrome from work and it was the only way i could still lift… trying to work around it and strengthen my wrists and forearms again… but im good with the regular olympic bar now so this is up for sale :slight_smile: Wrists are the golden part of the body for lifting… screw that up and you’re screwed :frowning:

can’t stand using e z bars.