fs fiberglass hair mat*

i have a big roll like 4 foot or so wide by lots long, idk what its worth
make offers on whole thing or sections
ill have this in my possession and post pics tommorow but the roll weighs at least 100lbs, i guess it was for boat making

who’s matt and why do you have his hair?

x’s 2 give the guy back his shit man.Its too cold to be bald.

yea thats not right if i was matt i would be angry

matt is my friend who keeps his hair when he gets it cut and we have gotten it woven into a roll which can now be used for fiberglass work

wtf why didnt i think of that tell matt hes a good guy

ya he is, hes ecspecially good on his knees

so i take it you guys hang out much?


And i feel it is customary as the friendly nyspeed jew…errrr, bragain shopper to throw in a sweet low ball offer of 20 dolla!



where are the pics


its xmas and i currently do not have access to the shop for a few days, my cousin went ot carolina so i have to wait for him to return