Fs- Fire Truck

http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=4ue1qfsB/O you pick up were just trying to get rid of it.
doesnt run right now




that would make a sweet as tow vehicle, turn the back into a flat bed…


where is it located? kinda interested for a project. where/when can it be seen?

its in derby ny, pm if u want more info

can you pm me your email?

one of my colleagues is an Assistant Fire Chief at a volunteer company, it’s his dream to own his own fire truck



where is it located? kinda interested for a project. where/when can it be seen?



sweet truck

PM me asking price and specifics please.

PM me as well.

would 1 of these be road legal as a classic historic vehicle?

hhahaha simon are u serious. is this the one ur grandpa owns or ur dads.

this is a very very well kept fire truck. its in imaculate condition.

A price would be great…this is pretty cool to see on NYSpeed. I’d like to see it come to Mighty some night. Rollrace Sherm…I bet the truck would win.

cousin put a 12 person hot tub in the back of his.