money talks i need it
EVERYTHING STILL UP FORSALE i will be home for afew days back in pittsford with all this stuff so if anyone needs any pictures or come pick this shit up with some cashhh
when r u coming home wait wat lol? if u got pics send em plz
im home now, family stuff ill snap some pictures when i get a chance
pictures up i also have all the parts and will be home till sunday
its a gsr tranny? i thought it was a si?
ya ya it is thats my bad
got back to ya lemme no
tranny and wing gone…need this shit sold everything still up for grabs
bump for a good seller
bump some stuff gone everythign listed is still up for grabs
somehow i came across this on hondatech and bumped it for u haha, gl
haha i saw that thanks man
im broke need shit gone
ibibi;viycvugi kh