no longer boosting my integra so heres everything i have collected for it over the last month or so…im willing to sell as a complete kit or part it out so if u are interested in a few things just give me a pm and we can work something out
t3/t4 .57 trim ching chong turbo FRESHLY rebuilt with all garrett internals by Blast Performance-350$
B series Drag Manifold SOLD
Tial 38mm Wastegate brand new (blue top)-190$
HKS bov brand new-SOLD
GReddy Front mount-80$
One piece charge pipes powdercoated black-175$
750 RC injectors Brand New SOLD
Autometer boost and oil pressure both mechanical brand new-90$
autometer CF gauge pods (2)-35$ each
Moroso oil pan SOLD
Vibrant muffler 3"in and out-80$
im probly forgetting afew thigns but i wil update with mroe pictures and parts asap

the charge pipes arent back yet from being powdercoated black i will get pics up when tehy are
Where is the pod made to mount? I’m interested in the gauges, pod and possibly the charge piping depending on how it looks.
ill do 100shipped for it pm me if ur interested and i can give u my paypal and have it out tomorrow
bump ill take 200for the injectors
also willing to work out package deals
will trade you a 90 Honda prelude for your manifold wastegate and intercooler And money on top
haha money on my end i take it u mean?
how much for the whole kit minus the turbo?
both guages and pods? and oil pan+muffler?
pm me with exactly what u want
Payment sent for the manifold
i leave in the morning for school so i woudl liek to get rid of as much as possible before i leave
injector and gauge pictures up