FS/ FT: Garrett turbo

nissan motorsports-> NISMO
honda motorsports.> HOMO
concidence…i think not


you guys get it? cause if honda was to do the same thing as nissan, it would spell homo, short for homosexual, which means to have a sexual preference to the same sex! omg that was hilarious. :roll:

i dont even know you, but i am willing to bet 95% of people in this thread could run run circles around your shit.

no matter how much money you throw at its still going to be a honduh…

real cars have driveshafts

do you realize you have “cobalt” in your user name? in for BAN!

yeah and? its the color of my 300zx. its blue…twat

lol, not to mention slow. pretty stupid for a noob to come into random threads and try to bag on 50% of this forum’s cars.

honduhs are front wheel drive for christs sake. mad tyte jdm ebrake drift y0!!! i needs some lunch trays under my back wheels so i can dorift0!!!11!!one!!!elev1!!

and im probably faster than you anyways

lol who is this kid and where did he come from? What point do you have knocking on hondas in a for sale thread talking up your “SICK COBALT BLUE” 300zx that no one knows about because you are a noob on a car forum that doesn’t like or tolerate people like you on it.

who’s talking about drifting? 300zx is a pretty shitty drift car anyways.

oh and i would take that challenge anyday :slight_smile:

you dont drift in a 300zx. its a track/ cornering car. its like riding on rails.

i was around. i dont come on here much…kinda lame here

i used to own one, and my civic by far out-handles it

ha. i lolled yeah right. body roll compensated too? a stock 300zx turbo will outhandle a civic on a track every day of the week. the 300zx wasnt called the japanese corvette for no reason.

This kid sucks bad. And im faster then you and always will be :spank:

haha a 3500 lb car vs. a 2200 lb car. your posts are hilarious.

what? you got 200 ft/lbs of torque? dayum. haha. im at 300 ft/lbs and 270hp at the REAR wheels lol

at least i have power to get through the corners

lol you probably dont and no one on here gives a shit even if you do.Just stop now please for the love of god.Your cluttering up a for sale thread with nonsense and making a complete douchebag of your self.Your 88zx is 20 years old and the ugliest body style zx ever made, you suck , keep your comments out of for sale threads and just stop posting period if all your going to say is nonsense

yes ma’am

wait this is an 88 300zx? omg, this just gets even better and better.