FS/FT: (Home Theater Computer/Workstation) Dell Dimension E521 Tower

Ok, ideally what I want to do here is trade straight up for a mac mini with decent specs (like 2ghz core 2 duo, 2gb ram+). So if someone wants to do that we’re golden. Otherwise I guess I’d sell it for $450. Will include keyboard and mouse, no monitor.

Dell Dimension E521 tower
Windows Vista Home Premium (LEGIT LICENSE)
AMD Athlon 3800 X2 64 BIT (Manchester, 2ghz dual core comparable to intel core 2 duo for you non computer people…)
ATI Radeon x1300 dual DVI/dual VGA/s-video out (pretty much everything except HDMI, they weren’t too common when I put this together)
Two (2) 250gb SATA Hard drives (500gb TOTAL), I believe the motherboard supports RAID so they can be configured for RAID however I did not set it up for that just wanted more storage.
7.1 on board surround sound, if hooked up to a receiver it sounds great.

thats what I can remember for now, the computer is a pretty good powerhouse for any purpose but i specced it for home theater use specifically and I have not used it for anything but that. So either rock it for home theater use, or i’m sure it would make a great video/photo editing workstation. The processor, ram, video card can pretty easily be overclocked to make everything much faster but it was more than I needed so nothing has ever been overclocked what-so-ever.

I could probably upgrade the ram to 4GB for a slightly additional cost if someone wants, but 2gb is plenty for its intended purpose.

Again I really just want to swap it for a mac mini as surprisingly they work all right for home theater (sans the shitty sound) and are nice and compact. Otherwise lemme know if you want to buy it.

EDIT: if someone has a newish imac, I will trade for that and include my 22" widescreen monitor which is HDCP compliant.

bump buy or trade me :tup:

wish i had some money my laptop just craped out on me >.<

i wish you had money also - hopefully someone else does :stuck_out_tongue:

I will add in a 17" digital LCD for +$50 if you buy it with the computer, also, will consider trades for a good camcorder +/- cash if needed.
