FS/FT macbook PRO

i have a 2010 edition macbook pro i bought from the victor apple store in february. its a 13.3" with a 160gig HD, 2gig Ram, OSX 10.6.3… i spent 1299 on it plus tax blah blah lol it has been in a carbon fiber hard case since day 3… it has 9 months of apple care left but if you were to wait till january next year you could upgrade to 3 year and get almost 4 years of warrenty out of it! this computer absolutely has ZERO scratches or dents in the aluminum! i have about 1,550.00 invested and im lookin for 1,200.00 OR BEST OFFER! i would be interested in the fallowing items;
40-55" LCD or PLASMA tv (NO REAR PROJECTION) and must be 1080p with HDMI inputs!
Honda D-series COMPLETE turbo kit… i mean EVERYTHING even FUEL management…
Honda D-series COMPLETE jackson racing supercharger kit!
would trade for a decent netbook and 800.00 cash… (what im going to do if i sell it anyways lol)

there is nothing wrong with this computer WHAT SO EVER i bought it because i thout i needed it but i really dont… plus i miss having a netbook that i can take wherever to tune with

Pictures? I am looking for a new laptop

Actually, waiting to buy applecare does NOTHING to extend your warranty. You get 3 years of coverage no matter when you buy it.

You’ll also need to adjust your price. You can get a better configured model from Apple for cheaper now (especially on an educational discount, which practically anyone qualifies for). 2.4ghz/4GB RAM/250GB HD.

well the education discount is 100.00 anywhere (also same as military dicount… brother worked there) and it does say BEST OFFER in there plus look on ebay there going for +/- 50 bucks of what im asking (with nothing but the box) so as of now i think im throwing a decent deal out there considering the amount of interest ive gotten in the 9 hours ive been advertising it.

and as far as pics go, here is my CL link for it http://rochester.craigslist.org/sys/1732974715.html


maybe lowering to 1050.00 OBO will spark more interest?..

I’m not in the market at this time, but have looked at them when checking out the Air and some other stuff. You can buy them refurbished from Apple for around $850. I agree with previous post that they are selling new at place like FYE for less as well. Don’t base it on Ebay - many of those are more then places like FYE and on-line MAC stores. Buyers are more comfortable buying from a store (or Ebay) then from an individual no matter what the warranty is. I think you are going to have to beat Apple’s refurbished price by at least 20% to move it. I think you will have to be 30+% lower then the retail price as of now. It’s not what you want to read, but if I want to pay $1050, then I would be willing to pay $1200 for twice the memory and hard drive space or maybe even a couple hundred more for the 15" model. One you commit to spending $1000+, you aren’t going to risk a few hundred to buy from craigslist or a forum. If I were worried about the extra $300, I would buy a $250 netbook or a $500 15" Lenovo:)

If they are selling used on EBay for $1050, then that’s your best shot. At least the buyer would have protection from PayPal to make them feel better.

Yep. Applecare goes into effect on the date the laptop was purchased…not the applecare date of purchase.
Pretty good deal. If anyone likes the prior generations 15" glossy’s I have one for sale here on NYSpeed. I haven’t been motivated to sell it, kinda want it gone now though.