FS/FT Motorola Q SmartPhone Verizon Wireless: CDMA

hey i got 2 12" RF HX2’s with an Orion HCCA 250 G5 amp if you want to work something out? real nice and fairly powerful system

at this point i’m just looking for a nice high end head unit, i’ve got subs, mids and highs right now.
thanks tho

i have an extremly nice nakamichi head unit actually. its all about sound quality tho, not very flashy.
along the lines of this http://cgi.ebay.com/Nakamichi-CD45Z-MP3-CD-Player_W0QQitemZ120052513370QQihZ002QQcategoryZ1498QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
ill get the exact model # when i get home

will you part with the home dock? How much… PM me.

if it’s gonna be a head unit, here’s what i need…
large front color display
3 pairs of 4v or higher preouts
mp3 playback
on board crossover
some sort of auxiliary in

still for sale guys

this is exactly what i have, if you wanted to look

no thanx on the head unit, not quite what i’m looking for.

i’m about to make a trade with the phone on cb7tuner, so let me know if anyone has any last minute offers.