Going bigger…
.63 Hotside
.82 Hotside also
8-10kmi on Turbo
Awesome shape
Taking offers
Going bigger…
.63 Hotside
.82 Hotside also
8-10kmi on Turbo
Awesome shape
Taking offers
call me you dirty whore we gotta talk
what are you looking for it, round-about??
Taking offers
I got some offers on the other board for ya big guy
hey, whoa. thats the picture of the first 30R you had… on the red car… false advertising! ill give you 600 via paypal for the chra.
eh maybe
i have 750 cash
hmmm this would be a good application for a nice TT project :ninja
I would Ebay this sucker. I got $970 shipped for mine in the same condition.
i got 1800 for my gt35r
PM dkid15
HMM gt30 huh im gonna have to do some calculations in math tommorow i might shoot you a PM. Originally planning on using a t3 60 trim but this is nice. :bowdown
how much power do you plan on making ?
what are you trying to boost? this turbo on a bseries would be perfect. no if,s and,s or kramerbuts.
the poopy sohc 1.6L in the green civic.
swap a B series in it. Get the t3 60 trim, keep the PSI around 6-8 pounds and shoot right for the 300 mark on stock internals if you don’t want to build.
LOL 6-8 pounds means nothing, 6-8 pounds on that turbo will vary on different motors. I don’t get why people go by lbs of boost. Whalen made 350whp on 9psi on a GT4088r on a 2.0L built B series…
I’m going for around the same 350-360whp on 8-10psi on a ____r :ninja