i just want to get rid of this stuff so i can buy parts for my car.

madcatz mc2 steering wheel, just bought it brand new about a month ago. it works for xbox, ps2 and gamecube 50$

guitar hero 2- comes with a cordless and a noncordless guitar. game included. ill say 100 for all of it. oh yeah its for ps2

alpine type r 12, rockford fosgate amp and single ported box. 150$

brand new lg chocolate phone !!!NO BATTERY!!!-100$

12" truck box-10$ - 15$ delivered
might be interested in the lg chocolate. I’ll let you know tomorrow(later today actually) for sure, if you still have it.
edit: Does it come with a charger?
might be interested in the lg chocolate. I’ll let you know tomorrow(later today actually) for sure, if you still have it.
edit: Does it come with a charger?
im sure i have one laying around for it.
where are you located?
about a half hour south of buffalo
bump i want this stuff gone!
sent you a pm about the phone, i am interested.
crap i want the system, i dont know when ill be home i just noticed it was on 
25 for the corded guitar hero controller?
25 for the corded guitar hero controller?
30 bucks and it yours, i can meet u at the same spot as last time too.
crap i want the system, i dont know when ill be home i just noticed it was on 
iv had it for a while trying to sell it so im assuming it will still be here when u come back.
75 for the phone? does it come with the battery cover?
sorry cant do 75. im pretty firm at 100, but no it doesnt have the battery. its all just one peice.
bump, i also have a slim ps2 to go with the guitar hero 2.
pending sale on the phone.
I would give you $80 for all the guitar hero stuff. Where are you located?
I would give you $80 for all the guitar hero stuff. Where are you located?
i live in holland, about a half hour south of buffalo. did u want the ps2 also?
i live in holland, about a half hour south of buffalo. did u want the ps2 also?
Would you ship it to Rochester? I already have a ps2