FS: Inforscan Scanner + Io2 digi pen

I had them for sale before, but I am going to try one more time.

Infoscan Scanner -


A wonderul product IMO. Its amazing; you scan text out of a book, it stores it, then you can UL it to your computer as a text file.

Logitech Io2 Digi Pen


This is pretty amazing too. Its a regular pen, you write on the supplied paper, and it takes that text, and turns it into a MS word text file. Its great at reading my shitty handwriting, so it works quite well…

Both items I have used for like 20mins, maybe. I have all original packaging. Total, both were $250+

I will sell both, together, for $120…

can you use that pen joint for aim somehow?

Sure. Write, put it in the cradle, convert it to text, copy paste…

I need some dineros today, ill sell both for $100, today, and deliver too…

pm sent



Last bump, $80 for both. Thats a savings of like $200+!