FS: Laptop

I am getting out of having a gaming laptop since its way to expensive to keep up than it is with a laptop. Here we have:

Dell Inspiron 9400
17inch screen
1gig ram
1.83gig duo core
80gig harddrive
Nvidia Ge-Force 7900GT 256meg video card.

Not sure what else, 6 usp ports, 15in1 multicard reader(at least I think its 15)

I bought it refurbed 2 years ago, last year my video card went and for some reason they marked that EVERYTHING needed to be replaced, so I got a new LCD, internals, and video card, all about a year ago.

Only thing that shows wear is the the spot where i rest my left hand to type (pics will be posted later)

Very awesome machine. Can play any game on the market right now (minus crysis), plays all source games (minus TF2) on full graphics.


How does cyrsis run? I played it on my dell which is like a normal pc, load slow but played decent.

1 gig probably wont cut it for crysis. 2 Gb at least. The vid card should be enough for low settings at “playable”

yeah, I did try a demo, and it was slow, the extra gig would help it. It is playable on this machine, but would not be able to do high settings…