FS: LIMITED RUN ASTFUF STICKERS! Get 'em while they are HOT!

i second the t-shirt ^^^

doooooooo it !!!


black XL t-shirt please.
id pay for a hoody too.
OneSize hats?

not joking at all
please make this happen

hey Ahmed, eat 10 dicks

DUDE! How old are you again? Like seriously, who cares just stop posting on the forum and move on with your life… I mean if I was in your shoes I would be like, okay no one likes me here so I need to go about my business and do something else with my time. I’m in aw at the fact that you keep posting and posting… What is your drive, goal and motivation? Like wow dude grow up and move on… NEXT!

does any one read his 10 paragraph posts? like really?

I tried, gave up after like the eighth paragraph though… Too much shit…

Nope - hahah. Skip right over them.


I really just came over here to quote all that shit by him and ask if anyone even tried to scale that wall. I see all of that followed by a few funny ass pictures, guess what I am going to pay attention to.

I’ll rep one of those Mark…

Mail one out for $10? haha

That is one of the funniest things I’ve seen on this forum in a LONG time.

ahaha, epic!

Stickers of the baby beard’s silhouette. #1 sella. Just sayin.

I agree… Why do people actually put forth the time and effort to make shit like this?


free bump for the creativity

you guys are so mean . what if ppl get serious and suicide cuz of this.

I read the whole ahmed post.
Yes, I am that bored at work with no nyspeed.

then the sticker will be true…