FS: LIMITED RUN ASTFUF STICKERS! Get 'em while they are HOT!

Hey guys

Figured we’d randomly throw some letters together, and make a sticker to honor those randomly chosen, not meaningful letters!

There is a very limited number of these, so act quicktimes!

Price: Donations are appreciated!


PM is key! All orders shipped out same-day!

i’ll trade you for some bings stickers next time you make a pick-up :wink:

I love a good trade off.

Anyone got any other good trades?

I have a 200 pound rotting Llama covered in maggots I can throw in to sweeten the deal :wink:

omg hahaha

That’s a little over the top… but hey it works, I guess?

it died ?

yeah man. One of them did.

We’re back up to 4 though…

He was 15 years old, it wasn’t too unexpected.

well if the maggots had not gotten to it already, i would have taken that for sure and hand some good BBQ

maggots are protein, lets have a son bbq!!!

lol all this attention, I don’t know what to say *starts getting emotional * oooh thank you union!

lol, well if it makes your egos any bigger go ahead. I don’t mind helping children feel better about themselves y’all must have been deprived as children :slight_smile: I mean you need all the help you can get :stuck_out_tongue: However I could consider a lawsuit for making money off my name… not to mention that it’s public defamation of character and slander :slight_smile: However I still think your car needs more +50hp stickers to go faster, but hey I guess it makes you feel better about yourself and your car :slight_smile:

FYI Defamatory libel is a criminal offence under the criminal code according to the supreme court of Canada. So go ahead :slight_smile:

They’re just random letters…don’t take offense to it or anything. Who said they’re about you?

The legendary interwebz legal threat!! Not trying to get in the middle here but in case you weren’t joking you should probably read up on how libel cases work and how much they cost before playing that card… lol a lawyer who wasn’t trying to steal all your money would laugh you out of his office.

Grow up dude, haters gonna hate, way better to just let it slide and laugh it off, and if you really take exception to the negativity, take a few moments to think before you post next time and you’ll be alright - you might want to start by not thinking you’re an expert on things (like the law) after doing a quick google search :slight_smile:

in short. ASTFUF.


Your cynicism and sarcasm fails Martino. You’re one of the many illustrious culprits.

Since 2006 I am constantly attacked personally or my car. It all began with a few select individuals and mark/fobwall :slight_smile: It started with ‘taurus’ brakes and me wanting to build a fast car and being dissed for it. I was told I am doing things wrong.

I am opinionated, of principle, I stand up for myself against all odds and not a groupie just because others are doing it. So I do not likely take it easy when someone attacks me or something about me. I also offer opinions or knowledge not out of the norm that bothers most people when something shakes them up, often times it results in personal attacks and opinion wars that I am wrong and that I have ‘imaginary friends’ in the states or Europe or whatever (just by the shear fact that I have been on multiple s chassis forums beyond son240).

-‘taurus’ brakes when I said I was dissatisfied with the 300zx brakes upgrade so I suggested wilwoods and ironically Mark/fobwall who started the whole thing got them – I got them too when I could afford them and love them.

-“automatic 240” which is the way i bought the car until I converted it to manual which was used to insult me as if I don’t know how to drive and how shit and stock my car is (persisted despite me converting, despite me doing so much more)

-“plier fenders” by the fact that to fit my large wheels and tires while with proper alignment I cracked my fenders which were already cracked due to poor body work by previous owner (bondo). I did what I had to do to temporarily fit my wheels and tires without doing ridiculous things like running -8 camber to fit wheels or stretched tires.

-Suspension talk. Again dissed like I’m an idiot, when in fact I was giving sound advice based on my research and of those in the know how. Reason my car feels comfortable with 11kg/mm - 8kg/mm springrates vs some china coilovers with 7/5 rates.

Alot of times I would lose it when there was 20+ people attacking me with different insults so I’d just resort to insulting back, but since then I’ve gotten a hold of it as I am not 20 anymore and most of you are not 16 anymore. now I’m almost 26 lol. Maturity is definitely up on son overall and there has been less garbage on son overall. Pretty much anyone who was new would get insulted or attacked or put down for the longest time. Even if it was a stupid question, questions are asked to be answered not insulted in onslaught.

Secondly, sometimes I just didn’t care and toyed with some of you guys/would get good laughs and post stupid pictures cause I really didn’t care lol that’s when I got banned. I was like hey if you guys are insulting me 20+ I will insult back.

However bottom line is, when I approached things intellectually most of you are shut up, so you resort to absolutely nothing else but pure insults and defamation. Clearly as with this sticker. You run out of intellectual backing, your ‘groupie’ efforts are not working so now you are making stickers to attack me? Just wow.

Lastly I never initiate an attack. I won’t see you on the street and randomly go “hey fuck face!” or something stupid like that. If you ever meet me in real life or talk to me I am courteous, friendly, the whole works. I only defend myself.

White240 jumped to attack me and my car when I said I spotted one of your cars and drivers being completely unfriendly and trying to race me, ego/nose up in the air. Because I said this, you resorted to attacking me and my car.

When I started saying, hold on a second, you’re attacking ME and MY car? Have you looked at yourselves/your cars… then you get butt hurt. When i start exposing how actually not awesome your cars actually are, how ugly they are, how losers you actually are. Then you just ram it up group style and attack me more.

So no I will not back off, why should I? This is clear defamation and slander over and over again.

In fact the ‘taurus brakes’ and automatic 240 thing was spread to zilvia and the hate you guys spread there about me basically resorted to random people attacking me because of your tattle tail tales. Often putting words into my mouth and spreading derogatory misinformation. In fact it took 8 months for three individuals to stop attacking me on zilvia because of your slander. In fact I became friendly/peace with them and we talk from time to time on msn. One of them is a drifter and runs the 613driftwerks forum, friendly guy, and in the end he was like “sorry for arguing stupendously and lets make peace” simply because he didn’t even get a chance to talk to me or get to know me except carry on slander on hear say of haters from son240. Otherwise he was like many other assholes with the taurus brakes and automatic slander.

I am alot more mature in how I respond to your attacks as a whole now, I don’t go just “hey you faggots fuck you” 24/7 when you attack me cause I can talk back with valid points when someone is attacking me and realize you are just being an asshole or a douche clearly.

This is but a few things I mentioned, but it seems you don’t like it when I defend myself/attack you back/expose you, but have a fun time insulting or attacking me, complete character assassination, defamation, insults, you name it. Before I even get to defend myself or speak you already have a few more attacks.

And you really are low lives, when even if I prove you wrong (say something about my car), you will find another thing to attack me with which shows absolute intent in defamation and derogatory slander. If I defend myself and do it back, it’s not okay (eg; after you insult me, in retaliation if I expose your cars how actually crap they are or how crap they are put together with zipties, canadian tire paint, knock off china wheels, tires, – when you mention ‘my fenders’)



a_ahmed… wow so i guess youre the only one in the world with the name ahmed eh? i mean is your full first, middle and last name stated there? law suit my ass… i didnt want to get in this and take sides but you’re just plain ol stupid!

Edit* shit i dont know you but your attitude on here sucks balls! i think you should really re-read what you posted and ask yourself if it really makes any logical sense.

Edit Edit* and you’re the one being a child entertaining said childern so lame!


---------- Post added at 03:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:24 PM ----------

oh and… http://www.son240sx.org/showthread.php?161244-Zero-Tolerance-of-Legal-Threats

---------- Post added at 03:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:26 PM ----------

oh and… http://www.son240sx.org/showthread.php?161244-Zero-Tolerance-of-Legal-Threats

^hahahahahahaha wow

Wow really ahmed, Chill