FS: Men's Fake Movado Watch

I picked this up in NYC not long ago for a friend that no longer wants it. It has a silver/gray face and silver band. It’s heavy and the quality isn’t bad. Someone not familiar with Movado watches wouldn’t know it was fake. It’s a good looking watch and works fine. I never wore it, the band is still full length so you’d need to get it sized. I’m asking $50, if you think it’s worth less make me an offer but $50 is fairly reasonable for a nice new watch. The real watch retails for $800ish. I can get better pics later so if you’re interested later let me know.


Any offers?

not to kill your sale but they sell for $20 in nyc

it would take more than $30 in gas to get there and back.

actually $10-$15 if you know the right people.

actually they are $3-5 for vendors depending on who you are. you get a business card thats in chinese and cannot get in the door without it. its all in who you know. the underground tunnels in china town are like something out of a movie. I used to sell the watches around here for $25. That price worked well for me. I wouldnt expect much more than that. If it was a heavy rolex fake you could pull 60 for it.

I got a Chinese Tag for $5 in Battery Park.
It worked for 6 months.

Yeah I’ll take $30 on it, this watch is heavy, it’s better then a lot of fakes I’ve seen. They do sell for $20 there on the street but that’s 6-7 hours away, anyone interested let me know.

When you say quality isn’t bad, what do you mean?

It doesn’t feel like a cheap watch. It’s comparable to a dakota or so I’d say.