A friend has a 650 Mighty Demon carb for sale…it has 12 passes on it, all this past summer. There is NOTHING wrong with this carb, and he bought it new. he just changed his entire setup this year and needs something much bigger.
i can provide more info on this carb if there is SERIOUS interest. I can also post pictures as soon as tomorrow.
He paid around $600ish new…and hes not looking to get a ton of money for it…He is looking for $325 firm
here is a pic of it when he first got it…

how much are you looking for ball park?
i think he is looking in the $350 ish range…i can confirm tomorrow, but im pretty sure thats where his brain is with this…
It looks like a Mighty Demon which is a nice step up from the Speed Demon line. 650cfm downleg boosters vs. straight boosters, milled choke horn, etc…
They list for 499.99 in Jegs.
350 is a good deal, since nothing really wears out, just cheap gaskets.
i think your right…but i can confirm 100% exactly which carb this is tomorrow. He told me he paid near $600 for this early last year…so i dunno…either way it still a good deal…its like new.
this is the brand of carb to run, if you’re gonna run a carb.
Ok, its been confirmed, this IS a Mighty Demon 650.
i also misunderstood…i originally said there was 12 miles on it…he told me there is actually 12 passes on it…NOT miles. my fault.
price is $350 FIRM