FS:Motorolla Q 9mm

Bought this phone new i love it but i think i want something differnt let me know what you guys got or ill take cash eirther way doesnt matter shoot me offers and trades (phones) thanks.

Its the new one. the 9MM not the old one it’s black with red around it.

Pics, What Service company? And How much


only verizon has 9mm and will you trade for chocolate or env

how old is the phone? condition?

just clarifying, its a Q9m, not mm

ill take another phone plus 100$ let me know. depends on phone

still for sale how much are you lookin to get?

isn’t Q9M the music one, with black/red? he said it’s not that one?

edit: i sucked at reading his post, i thought he said its NOT the red and black one.

edit2: i have this phone and it is really nice, only thing that kind sucks is it is a little slow when typing its always a few characters behind what you’ve typed. otherwise very stable unmodified, and runs like a champ.

ill give u 100 dollars and a old lg6100

i have this phone and love it