fs ninja zx7 like new


ok please stop the bs no lowballs this is the price i want if you do not like it o well dont reply to the post.

its a 95

Hey leme know when you wanna sell it :tup:


I hope you like all white bikes with white wheels!!!

$2001 here Cash :slight_smile:

you wont do it… i know you wont…

i bet u $2100 :slight_smile: lol

well all i got is a bunch of red hondas but I’m sure I can squeeze some white yamaha hotneSS into the stable :pimp:

Check PMs

Sweet bike and one of my favorites. Looks clean. all in all not too bad of a deal. If i only had the duckets.

Call me already so i can come look at this.

any idea who rebuilt it?

You’ve read both of my PM’s an still haven’t said a thing to me. Are you selling this or not? Time is getting close and I’m ready to buy.

i think tom, the owner of HPW cycles did the work on the bike, im not certain though

yes tom did the work on the bike not the rebuild. great guy really sucks he does not have the shop any more

the rebuild was done when i bought the bike . tom put tires, valve cover seal ,bled all the brake ,synched carbs, put a new battery in it.

I do have documentation from hpw of the work tom did on it

hello all sorry for all that i have talked to and not gotten back to

i will call all people that have given me a number

bike is still in storage because of snow past saturday i will get the bike out this weekend .

you’ve got a PM

bike is sold

somebody on here?