FS: NX EFI Wet Kit & acessories


NX Wet kit, link: http://www.jegs.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay?storeId=10001&catalogId=10002&catalogIdentifier=&categoryId=21305&parentCategoryId=10321

$600 with the accesories (MSD dig win switch & heater)
I bought it off of a local guy & Selling to fund another project.

I dont have the actual jet #s off hand, but for reference it includes: 35 shot; 50 shot; 75 shot.
FULL 10lb bottle
All the braided lines, wiring, noids, wot switch, jets, bottle brackets, manual and everything that came with the kit. Also, PSI guage & manifold on the bottle.

Bonus items:
Im throwing an MSD (BRAND NEW) Digital Window switch & used bottle heater. And ofcourse, a 10# fill is worth ~$50 to boot

Everything in good or great condition

Work Your way up the Greater Than Chain


Bump for Choko’s old kit and a new price of $500

Do you know what size jets come with it?

Sorry - lol

I dont have the actual jet #s off hand, but for reference it includes: 35 shot; 50 shot; 75 shot.

yeah i was wondering what size shot jets, not actual measurements.

No 100 shot jet?

will you sell the accesories?

its just a matter of calling NX to get the jet size for 100 shot and your car … assorted jets are like $25

sell the heater

Take $400?

You can absolutely buy the accessories, I’ll throw in a whole wet kit if You buy the window switch for $500

nope, but I’ll take $500.

To get this offer BRAND NEW will cost $835 including the fill.
$90 for the window switch http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/MSD-8969-DIGITAL-RPM-WINDOW-SWITCH_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ46101QQihZ018QQitemZ280008685387QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
$115 for the heater http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ZEX-Bottle-Heater-82006_W0QQitemZ270012299360QQihZ017QQcategoryZ33740QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
$590 for the wet kit http://www.jegs.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay?storeId=10001&catalogId=10002&catalogIdentifier=&categoryId=21305&parentCategoryId=10321
$40 for the bottle fill

You can step up to whatever size shot You want. Be sure to get the appropriate EFI jets for this, and go nuts. IIRC, these noids will support upto a 300 shot. :gotme:

Ill throw it on my car before I give it away for less then the cost of a DRY KIT.


Offer up to $420 so now its over half of the supposed new price.