(FS.)or TRADE 1990 240 SR20DET

Well i just bought this car about 4 months ago from Racer Xtreme but now that my g/f is pregnant i need to buy a house and “family” car :frowning:
so im hoping to get it gone soon … really going to miss the fun!

heres link to picks + info about the car
also added too after i bought it autometer gauges(5"tach/w light),boost,air/fuel) also the lip on the front is no more(some A$$HOLE stole it off the car roughly 2 weeks ago)

$6000 as is don’t have the time to cert +e test it (it was 4 months ago)

Trying to get pregnant?
I know how you feel guy…

:shock: is tony240 @ it again ?

I saw the car @ the KW meet or what not, not to long after you bought it and its to bad you have to sell it but best of luck with the sale dude

thanks man yeah sucks cause i love driving it and i HAD big plans for it … who knows maybe after i get all settled i’ll get another one

lol @ jugz yeah i saw your little banner and laughed yesterday and though at least im not the only one