FS Paint ball gun

OK to those of you on ubrf youve seen this , but to everyone else its new, For sale my pmi paintball gun that i used 2 X asking 60-70 for it all, Gun mask extra barrel, expansion chamber that wasnt an orignal piece of the gun, case, 1/2 box of balls, pics…

how old are the balls?

what chamber is it?
Stock bolt?

Very interested.


bump still up for grabs, perfect setup for people who are lookin to get into it, you get everything an a little more with this… 50 bucks firm

nice low price i want this gone sometime soon,

$40.00 ??? also what kind of make is it???

PMI pirana

50, its got more then it came with as far as a ceramic barrel and expansion chamber, extra tank. I mean youre gettin everything you need to get goin an then some. I think 50 is a more then fair price for this.

still for sale? If so call me at 829-9040 ill take it (are the tanks full?)

