fs:paint kits fer sale


i was close, and no i have a guy whos most likely buying my car he came and looked at it today. shouldnt you be picking on some other kid younger than you to make yourself feel better? just, go lay down or your not getting any food in your dish tonight
:nite: :2fingers:


good one! OMG that was funny! you got me so good, you made a joke about layin down and no food in my dish!!! like i was an animal or pet of some kind. do you think of this on your own? or do you have awriter? and the thing about me picking on little kids, priceless! cuz being 19 years old im soooo much older than you… you really got me good. wow. im just speechless. glad your selling the car. and my offer stands for 50 bucks on the black paint


ill have to get back too ya, i wanna see if anyone wants the rest of the supplies i wanna get rid of it all with a total of at least 290ish




200 fer wat ? all of it ?




take this offer

if he wants it all for 200 i cant do that

i can get 2 paint kits on ebay for 160 shipped…my offer is 200

na man im gunna pass i’d be losing 150 on sumthing brand new


i can get 2 paint kits on ebay for 160 shipped…my offer is 200


yup yup. im telling you this is the best offer youre going to get.

let me know i can pay u 2marow


good one! OMG that was funny! you got me so good, you made a joke about layin down and no food in my dish!!! like i was an animal or pet of some kind. do you think of this on your own? or do you have awriter? and the thing about me picking on little kids, priceless! cuz being 19 years old im soooo much older than you… you really got me good. wow. im just speechless. glad your selling the car. and my offer stands for 50 bucks on the black paint


lol ol

i guess i’m gunna keep the paint then, thanks anyways




ok, enoughs enough. lock it up.

yeah im out 200…200…200!

if i do 200 u can have the paints kits , no clear,your gunna get the primer and paint kits no clear

201 with clear

your kidding right 265 with the clear, 265 fer everything thats it