fs:paint kits fer sale

I have 2 paint kits, i have a gallon of candy red,gallon super jet black,gallon of clear, gallon of primer , and all the reducers and hardners.

-opened once to see the color and resealed
-paint is by rayflex payed 350 total asking 300 firm

how much paint does it take to paint a car’s entire exterior?

good seller glws

depends if your two toning or not , i was gunna two tone my camaro and do my interior to match . My buddy that paint’s said “it should be enough to do all of that”.


um rayflex is 60 bucks a gallon on ebay…

how much is the red and the clear

cant do nuthin below 290 its brand new i payed 350 wit shipping and tax

shipping isnt cheap

and i kind of want to sell it all together


sure as hell is. i bought it when i painted my BMW. it was 60 bucks shipped.

edit: ill take the black for 50 bucks if he takes the red


btw it takes a little under a gallon to paint a normal sized car. IIRC the paint to reducer mix for this brand is 1:3 so a half gallon of color plus reducer should do a whole car.

200 fer wat? wat do u want it depends

he payed over 100 dollars in shipping for all of this stuff

shouldnt you be bumping your cars FS thread? he can answer for himself. if he bought it all at once theres not way he payed that much shipping.

i bought everything at once i payed 79.39 fer just shipping

i was close, and no i have a guy whos most likely buying my car he came and looked at it today. shouldnt you be picking on some other kid younger than you to make yourself feel better? just, go lay down or your not getting any food in your dish tonight
:nite: :2fingers:

ill give u a 100 for the red and clear