FS: Photography prints

No I’m not trying to be like Micah. :stuck_out_tongue: Just trying to help fund a trip during January that will yield even more great photography for myself.

I have plenty of shot from Hawaii, so if theres something in particular you don’t see, don’t be afraid to ask as I might still have it. Or if you have seen something of mine before, and want that, or remember seeing me at a certain event, let me know. I was at Watkins Glen this year as well as the summer start Dunnville meet.

I can do anything up to 11x17 here at my house. (I have a wide format photo printer) Anything larger I will look into if there is interest.

8x10 - $10
11x17 - $25
I might be able to get up to 16x40 as well. Those would be $65 for the largest and come down from there.

Here’s what I’ll put up for now, and I will add more later on.

Also, weather permitting, if someone wants to get out with their car/bike, we can set something up to give you my undivided attention for a shoot. I won’t charge for it unless you want the prints after…

For the Giants Fans, Tiki Barber at the ProBowl.


Anything at all, just let me know. Hopefully I’ll have some satisfied customers already spreading word of mouth once my website is fully up and running.

The truck is a pretty cool shot

Oh come on!

Im liking that first pic of the taxi how big can you go with the size?

Up to 16"x40" give or take some proportionality adjustments. I’ll make it as big as I can to fit in a standard sized frame.

You love it lol. Skunk said he’s buying like 30 of those to put on the ceiling above his bed.

Perhaps you should buy it. :wink:

Is this buy one get one? Another photographer on the board is offering that deal.

ill def be in touch keep up the good work!!:beer:

I want this one a big as possible LOL JkJk, seriously though we need to talk I like that taxi one and Id like to pay you to print one of my shots :slight_smile:

LOL @ dan.

what a DOLT

srsly tho…really nice pics in here dude.

dont accept any orders from the ABOVE POSTER, worst customer ever

hahahah you should send him an invoice including interest

These are really great shots, you an Micah should go into business together.

By the way, did Howie approve this thread?

HaHa funny, Ass :mamoru:

LOL! wow! skunk had a post there and he DELETED IT

wat??? i didnt post in this thread until now. fggt

HaHa Fail LOL

i want an 8x10 of the TRUCK AND SURFBOARDS

To be honest I didn’t see the need to ask permission. It’s not like I’m planning on having this thread up long term. (Maybe in the future I’ll set something legit up with a website) but these are just random shots. I’m just selling stuff like any other FS thread.

If it’s a problem though someone let me know.