I wanna get rid of my SWEET playstation1. i know nobody wants it. but why not try right? b/o
Im looking for a screen for one.
hrm. how much would i get to take this thing to a game store? any one know?
Last I checked most major chain stores won’t buy them anymore. If it had a screen on it though it would rock. Might be able to get 20 if you are lucky.
what about with games and controllers and memory cards and such?
Games they really gyp you on,some they wont even take.
What kind of games do you have? Im looking for some and a memory card.
i have driver, driver 2(2 disc), umm crash bandicoot, 2xtreme, namco museum, a nascar game… some other crap that i dont remember cuz i havent played it in years and im at work so i cant look, and just the standard memory card that came with it.