February 21, 2009, 12:51pm
Brought back some i$ht from the past couple trips. Yes it was “priority handled”, props to ANA for handling the bizness.
WARNING: No hard parker poser stuff, these thangs rahh hurr IS PURE RACE for the PURE PLAYAZ:
(1) CARALL Freshener (Cartridge Type). Squash scent. Comes with one other refill, lasts awhile. $20
(2) 240 mm (9.5", not quite Ron Jeremy but good enough for most ladies) mirror. Autobacs brand. $15
(3) New Driver Yellow / Green shiznits - Magnetized so they stick to the car. Perfect for helping the police identify your car after the post-drift getaway fail. $5
Same thing with suction cup- $5
(4) Decal - Draft beer with “Nama” kanji, means “raw” or “fresh”. $4
(5) Decal - “Anzen Unten” kanji, means “Safe Driver” $4
(6) JDM Hoooooooeeeeez $OLD (to my man in the lower left)
PM me or reply here. Peace.
Damnit the JDM beezys are sold allready!
February 21, 2009, 1:43pm
I’ll take the air freshener and the beer decal. :lol
February 21, 2009, 1:50pm
lol when you go back to japan pick me up a nice civic ctr eg style got cash
February 21, 2009, 2:04pm
Can ANA ship you some more of these JDM ho bagz?
:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
cazwrx had those on his car and he thought he was hot $hit until we made fun of him enough for him to take them off
GLWS though
i already PM’ed him like 2 hours ago on the air freshner…I got dibs on that bitch.
February 21, 2009, 6:24pm
Lance, you serious? Joey did PM me earlier though about the freshener… You still want the beer decal?
February 21, 2009, 6:27pm
Don’t ruin my thread kid… j/k
If no one buys I’ll have to stick all four of these…
On the Bimmer (for maximum haterade).
This one IS going on our minivan though… Appropriate!
They need to make a baby on board sign that says “hit me as hard as you can. my life is already over”
February 21, 2009, 7:05pm
But that’s what it says! Read the kanji.
February 21, 2009, 8:06pm
ANA doesn’t ship, that’s the airline I have been taking recently.
PS Define ho bagz
lol trust me if someone wants to buy them, what i say on an internet forumz isn’t going to deter them.
Archie I will take that beer sticker off your hands asap.
February 22, 2009, 11:27am
very serious… let me know!!
May 12, 2009, 12:50am
Dibs on the new driver magnets!!! Autobacs 0wnz, favorite place when i had my supra back in oki. Damn i should brought that shit back…
oh dude I’ll take the draft beer one
May 12, 2009, 9:39pm
Oh my, Japanese sluts!!! :excited