FS: Random Stuff from Japan

Brought back some i$ht from the past couple trips. Yes it was “priority handled”, props to ANA for handling the bizness.

WARNING: No hard parker poser stuff, these thangs rahh hurr IS PURE RACE for the PURE PLAYAZ:

(1) CARALL Freshener (Cartridge Type). Squash scent. Comes with one other refill, lasts awhile. $20

(2) 240 mm (9.5", not quite Ron Jeremy but good enough for most ladies) mirror. Autobacs brand. $15

(3) New Driver Yellow / Green shiznits - Magnetized so they stick to the car. Perfect for helping the police identify your car after the post-drift getaway fail. $5

Same thing with suction cup- $5

(4) Decal - Draft beer with “Nama” kanji, means “raw” or “fresh”. $4

(5) Decal - “Anzen Unten” kanji, means “Safe Driver” $4

(6) JDM Hoooooooeeeeez $OLD (to my man in the lower left)

PM me or reply here. Peace.

Damnit the JDM beezys are sold allready!

I’ll take the air freshener and the beer decal. :lol

lol when you go back to japan pick me up a nice civic ctr eg style got cash

:shifty no such thing

Can ANA ship you some more of these JDM ho bagz?

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

cazwrx had those on his car and he thought he was hot $hit until we made fun of him enough for him to take them off

GLWS though :smiley:

i already PM’ed him like 2 hours ago on the air freshner…I got dibs on that bitch.

Lance, you serious? Joey did PM me earlier though about the freshener… You still want the beer decal?

Don’t ruin my thread kid… j/k

If no one buys I’ll have to stick all four of these…

On the Bimmer (for maximum haterade).

This one IS going on our minivan though… Appropriate!

They need to make a baby on board sign that says “hit me as hard as you can. my life is already over”

But that’s what it says! Read the kanji.

ANA doesn’t ship, that’s the airline I have been taking recently.

PS Define ho bagz

lol trust me if someone wants to buy them, what i say on an internet forumz isn’t going to deter them.

Archie I will take that beer sticker off your hands asap.

very serious… let me know!!

  1. ho bags a group of horney sluts,
    “dude, i just fucked 9 ho bags”

Dibs on the new driver magnets!!! Autobacs 0wnz, favorite place when i had my supra back in oki. Damn i should brought that shit back…

oh dude I’ll take the draft beer one

Oh my, Japanese sluts!!! :excited