FS: S13 chuki lip (veilside CII)

on my sloooowwww iBook… all I got a glimpse of was " first lip cracked …" then was left in confusion while i waited for firefox to restart.


btw is it too late to add my name ot the list?

i have more than enough coming to cover that list and more…

obviously it is easier if people confirm with me first and put down a deposit or pay in full before hand but this first time i had to commit to a whole bunch of lips so i should be able to cover everyone initially.

Okay, so approximately when will these be ready by? And have you decided if you are going to be copying those side skirts yet?

we are going to be testing the lip on my car tonight

pics will be provided tomorrow or later tonight

should be ready really soon :lol:

if anyone wants this lip but doesnt have the 91+ bumper required, i have one for sale.

good luck with the GB bing, these are nice pieces. very sexy indeed.

