FS: S14 T28 turbo, minus compressor wheel.

Asking Price: $150
Condition: Used
Location: Waterdown/Burlington
Will Ship?: No
Contact Info: Send PM

i bought this a while back intending to get a compressor wheel for it, and put it in my car. plans have changed so i no longer have a need for it. turbo is in great condition, with MINIMAL, MINIMAL shaft play.

DISCLAIMER turbo DOES NOT have a compressor wheel. i talked to cherry turbos in london and they said anywhere from $50 to $100 for a new/used one. or there are plenty of online sites that supply them aswell. it’s light, so shipping would be next to nothing.







$10 price drop lolz… item is now $140.

bump, bump, bump it up!

bump dis shiat nukka!

turbo is sold! thanks corey, and no thanks to the few people who backed out of buying it. :slight_smile:

now buy my quick relase homeieeee