FS: Sabres Bruins 1/30

sec 308 row 5…shoot twice side


How many tickets?

oh yeh…2 together

what price did u have in mind

$85 prob. i need to know soon though…by this evening

85 for both? you taking offers?

i will take them tonight!

yes…post offers. ill start at 85. but i need to know soon. pm me or post on this thread

whats the face value on these?

PM’D i will take them!

if you still have them tonight i will take them…cell me

Nick 570-8859 if i dont answer im at work just leave me a message


high offer now is 80…anyone else?

Face value is 81/each I believe.

Just go to ticketmaster and try to buy 300 level sabres tickets.

For 300 level??

dude i need tyhese…the only games i want to go to is 1 bruins game with my brother because he is in love with them


Ill be at this game, section 116, row 1!


90 is the high bid so far…anyone else?

up to 100

i went to tickets.com and 100 level seats are 38 each including the fees. single seating only though. put em up on ebay you may get some boston folks bidding high on em.
