FS: samsung 19'' monitor

IMG_2725 by Photo Grounds, on Flickr[/IMG]

$100 OBO

GLWS I have a couple 22" versions and they have great picture

I used it for about a year as a second screen for my laptop then boxed it back up. Picture was so good I never used the screen on the laptop. I’ve got a jumbo mac now so it’s time to part ways.

jumbo mac ftw!

Make a reasonable offer!


Anyone do better than $50

I’ll do $40 right away, but no more than that. Sorry it’s not worth much sadly.

True story. Especially being a Sammy, they like to eat capz like whoa. I have 6 of them at my desk that I’m replacing caps on.

Capz = Capacitors? Im looking for a cheap monitor with an hdmi input.

I’ll do $60, but I’m leaving for Daytona straight from work and won’t be back til next Tuesday if it happens to still be available…

I’ve had my 40" LCD Samsung tv for 7 years now with no problems. And a 26" for 2 years with 0 issues.

it doesn’t happen to all , overall samsung is a great brand , I can give u 40 tomorrow , I know u got higher offers but I’m ready now. who knows when they can bring it to ya . text me 478 4030
