FS: Spings and Struts

I recently picked these up from Tailz here on son. The only reason im getting rid of them is guy i found my hook up for the ones i wanted. So im getting rid of them for $80… ne1 interested???

pics will be posted shortly once camera charges up.

sold give me a number to contact you @


what type are they, stock im guessing for $80?

Apex Lowering springs on Some sort of struts ???


ill take them if any of the noobs flop

yooo… I was going to get these… i emailed tailz and all too. darn. yoo, if no takes them let me know… i’ll talk these off your hands. still for sale? haha. :slight_smile:

i got some sets of oem spring and shock assemblies

they’re apex springs on stock struts.

Wow dude I really can’t imagine that you and I make a deal 5min after you post your spring and shocks on the board and like a coward you text message me from a computer web site at 1:24am (when you expect you’ll get no reply) to tell me that you got rid of them…huh…??? where I come from thats a pum pum move star. thats a girl move. bbak aka what did you say your name was Magic??? guess you really got tricks up your sleeve!! Congrats to you and the person you sold them to!

P.S 1 Dissapearing springs and shock available from bbak anytime…thats MAGIC!

P.S 2 On this board be a Man!

I wont even address that “move” you called himm, but

an item isnt sold until its sold.

This board is usually works first come first serve, which happened in this situation.

Just because you can’t pick it something up that day , doesn’t mean someone else can’t.

That’s the way the cookie crumbles.

I ganartee everyone on this board has been beaten to something by another.

Thats just life.