FS: Tailight painting service

Ive now done this for nearly 1/2 a dozen members including myself. Some people like some dont, your decision.

I take every precaution masking the lights off and with my spraying technique they come out flawless. The cost of materials comes out to just under $45 after tax not including running around buying the material or the masking tape which is rather quite expensive.

All three peices painted for $80, just drop the lights off and leave $50 deposit and the rest when their finished within a few days.


Comparing the stock red (centerpeice) to the fully painted taillight peice. Comes out a really deep cherry red, the paints transparent and has little to none effect on the light when you brake/signal. As soon as the most recent guy whos taillights i painted gets pics of them mounted ill have those posted.

Hey, just wondering if you would still consider doing this now. i have some altezza tails for my hatch that i would like tinted red. Let me know. I’m in Oakville and can meet anytime this weekend if you are available.

so… pictures would attract attention, no go, no pix.

holy crap 2007… ya…

u can pm him. im sure he still does services like this

pics dont work

I can attest for his great work has done many things for me I used to have pics of my taillights but I cant find them but definatly better than stock…