Honda B-Series Topmount Manifold
Yonaka Motorsports 12"x9"x2.5 Intercooler
Brand new, never used. Bought for $220.
$200 obo

OBD0 Resistor Pack for use with DSM Injectors in newer Hondas
Turbonetics Deltagate 2
$160 obo
Walbro 255 Fuel Pump
Megan Racing (Defi Style) A/F Gauge
Will take best offer on these items.
Jeff (780)221-4046
Whats the boost gauge look like?
White faced. Unsure of the model right now, sorry.
do you have pay pal i would like to buy the boost controller off of you or would you accept a trade for a SAFC I its fairly mint i bought it for $180 off of deathby240 and it works fine im sure i havn’t installed it because i bought an eprom chip from autodream let me know i don’t want any cash or anything i just want to get rid of its just sitting at autodream right now
White faced. Unsure of the model right now, sorry.[/quote]
Cool, pm me your info and I’ll pick it up from you. I can get it from you tomorrow cuz I’ll be in E-town, or we could figure out something in terms of shipping.
Boost Gauge and Boost Controller tentatively sold!