FS: Two iPhone 4 Phones (AT&T, 16GB, Black)

well depending on what basebands the phones have installed for the modems/radios in them, you either can or can’t really unlock them right now.

thats the problem im having is there is no unlock right now yet for the newest basebands i’ve come across … so depending on how new those phones are that you sold… they probably couldnt be unlocked either.

jailbroken ya but unlocked maybe not.

if the phones you sold could of been unlocked, i bet you , you could of got more money for them if you jailbroke and unlocked them first.

seems like you got decent money in comparison to what they are going for on ebay. Its insane to me and I really dont see how anyone can pay over 400 bucks for a fucking phone thats not that amazing and new

One guy is trying to do a refund now. He thought he was getting two phones because the picture had two. I specified a quantity of two and at the time of his order (he got the second one) only one was available. He clicked buy now anyway and still thought he was getting too for $565.

I told him to file a PayPal claim, we’ll see. What a shmuck. You think I’m going to sell two brand new iPhone 4’s for $550? Hell to the no dumbass.

LMAO !! wait, you specified a quantity of two or he did ? you put both phones under the same auction right ?

so if you had them in one auction, then if he selected two for quantity,the price should of doubled ?

Correct…problem is, when he ordered, one had already sold (to the guy in Russia) so if he put in 2 it would have given him insufficient quantity. He’s trying to tell me he should be getting two (or his money back) because my ad is false and that the picture shows two and my ad says two phones for sale (no words suggesting together).

I’m pretty sure this is an easy win for me via their dispute system, but seriously? If you weren’t sure how many were available or coming in the deal, you should contact the seller. I have saved every message he sent for use against him in the dispute process. Kid’s name is Chad, which is a relatively new name so he’s probably in his 20’s. He’s going ape shit in the emails and starting with the name calling lol. I didn’t know 20 years olds didn’t know how to do their due diligence or ask questions. I must be one freakin amazingly intelligent 24yr old cause that’s what I would have done if I wasn’t sure about the item or what it consisted of. WTF?

did you say in your auction that the auction was for one phone, but two were available by quantity etc? wheres the link?

I didn’t word it like that. Just said two phones for sale (with the details the actual phones). The quantity of two was listed at the top. When the quantity goes down, it changes accordingly (when Russian guy bought it). If there is no quantity listed (meaning everything in the listing is one) then there is no quantity item thing at the top of the details to begin with. Maybe I’m asking people too much to think and realize this, but the ‘two phones for sale’ is the only thing that can possibly get my in trouble here and make me do the refund (if PayPal says so). In retrospect, I shouldn’t have put ‘two’. Just ‘iphone for sale’ with the details.

You’d think someone would know enough to realize that an iPhone 4 (one phone) won’t go for $250 if it’s brand new. Hell, my HTC EVO 4G which is a year old still averages $400+ (there are a few in the 300’s). I would have thought $550 for the two phones was too good and asked the seller to clarify, but that’s just me. I have half a brain (at least :rofl).

Either way, dude isn’t getting his money back until PayPal acts on it or I get the phone back. He wanted the money refunded RIGHT AWAY (when the phone is already in UPS’ hands).

ya no way in HELL can you refund money until the phone is back in your hands, thats the dumbest move ever…

paypal might make you refund because if you werent 10000% clear in the auction that they are bidding on ONE phone at a time, then thats no good for you.

because the quantity of 2 can be mistaken for having two bundles like this available, in other words 4 phones total

Yeah, dude is spamming my inbox so I just told him to STFU and leave me alone and I’ll refund him minus shipping and relisting fees ($30-$40 including a $14 intercept fee from UPS). Told him if he doesn’t like THAT deal, then he frankly, can go screw himself.

yeah, its his bad for not clarifying but at the same time you set yourself up for this too because with auctions you have to DUMB clear on what you’re selling for what price

Bump. One phone will be back in my possession on June 14th because of above EBay buyer who thought he was getting two phones. unfortunately, as these aren’t my phones (selling for someone else), I can’t really budge on the price too much.