FS: Valentine 1

how do these things work if a cop is shooting laser

you will know because this thing goes fuckin ballistic when laser is being shot

you will know and learn the noise it makes rather well, trust in that

haha, i’ve only encountered laser in a few spots on the 190. every time the noises would make me jump with how bizarre they’d sound


ya but why would people pay close to the brand new price when its used or better yet pay more then what they are worth? its not like they dont sell them anymore.

^^^ no clue. But I’ve noticed that as well, most sell for about the cost of buying new. As I said to Justin the other day, it’s not like the website has em back ordered or limited supply. You can get them just as fast from the website as anything else.

But :tup: Nick’s a good guy, good seller, and I think Mike picked it up. Either way V1’s kick ass, and once I am financially stable again I will have one back in posession.

Yes, V1 was sold.

Yes and we all know Mike Needed one. lol
Nick is an awsome seller.
I was going to bye a new one, so I saved a few bucks helped some one out not a bad deal.